You Can Make the Rest of Your Story Rock.

We all have our stories—stories about ourselves, stories about other people, about relationships and about our futures and our pasts. Thing about stories is that they’re super powerful. That’s why parents use them to put kids into a trance and then to sleep when they’re little. That’s why there are classic stories that we all know—they survive time. Everything that we do or say forms part of our story about ourselves and other people’s stories about us.

Maybe your parents’ story about you is that you’re lazy while your story is that you’re just not going to work hard at stuff you think isn’t important (and so you need counseling).

Maybe your story about your parents is that they are controlling and their story about themselves is that they are protecting you from experiences they suffered.

Maybe your friends’ story about you is that you’re out of control, the fun party person, reckless, but your story is that is that you’re angry as hell.

Maybe you don’t know what your story is yet.

I work with teens to find out what their story is and to take control of it—to write the next chapter with their true voices so that they can have some power in their families and their lives. I also help teens revise their past stories for more truth, less fear and better relationships.

Write your own story. Be the author of your future.

(You can read “for parents/adults” too)